Friday, May 31, 2013

Going Round the Bend

When I began The Baby Brain blog, it was because I'd read a lot of things when I was first pregnant with my first child about "Baby Brain", about how you'd lose your mind while pregnant.

Oddly, I never succumbed to that effect while I was pregnant (or, at least I don't really think so). I really felt that for the most part, I was born to make babies (not in a weird 19 Kids and Counting kind of way, but, like my body just responds well to pregnancy).

Well, today, I was on the phone with Jon's brother and came to the four way stop that is about 3/10's of a mile from our house.

I had been running errands, had called him to make plans for meeting for dinner this evening (which we enjoyed at the Club!), and came to the stop sign. I was heading home.

To go home, I would need to turn west.

So, I turned and proceeded down the road.

It was only a mile down the road that I realized I had turned east.

I was so baffled I didn't even know what to do! I turned around in a driveway and headed back to the four-way stop, where I went straight to arrive at our house.

But, for the life of me, I have NO recollection of why I turned the OPPOSITE direction of home.

I felt like I had lost my mind.

Perhaps it begins...

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