Friday, May 31, 2013

Listen to the Mustn'ts

I'm inspired to do a Shel Silverstein nursery.

I have looked on Pinterest (of course), but haven't found anything that strikes my fancy.

Elle's bedroom is all Picasso and is red - it's not very girlie, but it's my favorite room in our house.

I have said for awhile that I knew what I'd do for the next nursery. It would be Shel Silverstein. So, that's what's next. Now, I just get to put it together. I feel like Pinterest wasn't the site even two years ago that it is today, so I'm looking forward to creating some inspiration boards.

I'll have to remember to make my Secret Board unsecret when I finally tell people that we're having another baby! (Still can't believe it!)

Going Round the Bend

When I began The Baby Brain blog, it was because I'd read a lot of things when I was first pregnant with my first child about "Baby Brain", about how you'd lose your mind while pregnant.

Oddly, I never succumbed to that effect while I was pregnant (or, at least I don't really think so). I really felt that for the most part, I was born to make babies (not in a weird 19 Kids and Counting kind of way, but, like my body just responds well to pregnancy).

Well, today, I was on the phone with Jon's brother and came to the four way stop that is about 3/10's of a mile from our house.

I had been running errands, had called him to make plans for meeting for dinner this evening (which we enjoyed at the Club!), and came to the stop sign. I was heading home.

To go home, I would need to turn west.

So, I turned and proceeded down the road.

It was only a mile down the road that I realized I had turned east.

I was so baffled I didn't even know what to do! I turned around in a driveway and headed back to the four-way stop, where I went straight to arrive at our house.

But, for the life of me, I have NO recollection of why I turned the OPPOSITE direction of home.

I felt like I had lost my mind.

Perhaps it begins...


Ultimately, as we'll come to learn, I have a blog elsewhere on the World Wide Web that exists.

I started it the day after I peed on a stick, realizing to my surprise that I was pregnant with my now 19+month old daughter.

And I have been having a hard time blogging in the last few months. So much of my time was devoted to planning our wedding, devoted to the time I spend volunteering with our golf course where I'm on the country club's Board of Directors. Not to mention in the midst of it all, my job kind of changed and I'd only been doing it for about 9 months. So, I kind of lost track of the time I used to spend blogging.

But, I've continued to have blog post conversations in my own head.

I just haven't gotten them put to paper.

But then, yesterday.

Well, yesterday I peed on another stick.

And the PLUS sign that showed up nearly immediately indicated that I am, again, pregnant.

Which was NOT in the immediate plans. Well - I mean, it was - but not until like June or July. That was my plan. But, evidently things don't always go like you plan!!

I can't even wrap my head around it right now.

Other than Jon and I, we haven't told anyone. I'm just not ready for that for some reason. And I'm a horrible secret keeper, but for whatever reason, I'm just not ready to share this news. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I'm all of 5 weeks pregnant. That's like telling everyone you JUST had sex. So, instead of doing that, I'm trying to keep it under wraps.

In the meantime, I'm going to have this blog going. I'm going to keep it a little hidden and see what happens. This way, maybe I can keep my blog going, I can get the thoughts in my head out and onto paper (er, you know what I mean) and still capture the excitement that comes along with knowing that you're growing a whole life inside of you.

To get caught up on the goings-on up to this point, you'll want to read The Baby Brain.

But from here on out, I'm hoping to capture everything about our family here. Now that there will be two, you know!